Approximately 50 Sterling residents attended an Anti-Asian-Hate Rally on March 27 in response to the 149% increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the last year or so, as reported by The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University. According to the Middlesex County District Attorney, there have been 67 hate crimes against Asian Americans in Massachusetts during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when hate crimes overall are down nationally seven percent.

“I am thankful for the people who stood up in Sterling this weekend to speak out against Asian hate, said Mary Barbarow, a Sterling resident whose mother is from Guam. “What we really need is to be united in love and caring for each other in this trying time.”

The rally, which was put together by the Sterling Democratic Committee, was held to “just get out on our common and say ‘Sterling stands up for our Asian community,’” according to organizer and Co-Chair of the Sterling Dems Fionuala Dullea, pictured above right.

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“It’s non-partisan even though Sterling Democrats are involved,” said Dullea. “We don’t ask people what their political parties are, it’s just anyone who abhors racism.”

Dr. Jay Fong, Pediatrician at UMass Memorial and co-chair of the Asian Employee Resource Group, pictured above left spoke accompanied by co-chair Kathryn Doan. The pair recently spoke at a Stop-Asian-Hate vigil in Worcester, where they have been doing community outreach on the subject.

Several state and local elected officials from both sides of the aisle spoke as well, including Congressman Jim McGovern, Senator John Cronin, Representative and Sterling native Meghan Kilcoyne, Assistant District Attorney Emily Tomczyk of the Worcester County DA’s Office, and Paul DePaulo of the Massachusetts Governor’s Council. Representative Kim Ferguson was unable to attend due to a prior engagement, but sent her regards and appreciation for the event.

CREDIT: Danielle Ray