Sterling has a public display venue to showcase the work of local artists and photographers. The Sterling Senior Center is recruiting local photographers and artists for 2-month shows beginning February 2017 and continuing throughout the year.

“The Center wants to partner with local artists to showcase their work and to provide a local and accessible venue for our seniors and the community at large,” says Senior Center Director Veronica Buckley. Artists must comply with the following rules:

1. All submissions must be hung with wire and the artist is responsible for hanging their work and timely takedown.

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2. Articles may be identified as “For Sale” or “NFS”, but it would be desirable for all pieces to remain displayed for the entire 2-month display period.

3. Alternative pieces replacing sold works would be an acceptable option.

4. The Senior Center would appreciate a modest donation associated with the sale, if any, after the conclusion of the show.

5. The Center encourages artists to prepare basic descriptive material for display that describes the motivation, technique, uniqueness, and background of the artist.

6. Each show will have a grand opening with light refreshments provided by the Center. Local publicity can be coordinated with the artist prior to the show.

7. The facility has display space for 25-35 exhibits in several building locations. Selected artists are encouraged to visit the facility and talk with the director regarding other details.

8. Scheduling of displays will be confirmed with individuals for future exhibits to allow for appropriate preparation and planning by both the artist and the Center.

Interested? Contact the Senior Center at 978-422-3032 for details.

Sterling Senior Center website: