by Jamie Lasorsa
The weather may not have wanted to cooperate this year, but that didn’t stop fairgoers from enjoying
all that the Sterling Fair had to offer over its 3-day extravaganza. An evening start for Friday night
brought the opening of the Midway, Tractor Drag Races, and a live band (Shot of Poison) for
everyone’s enjoyment. Typically, the fireworks would take place on opening night, but with the severe
thunderstorms passing through, the fair shut down an hour early and they were postponed with hopes
of being able to take place on Saturday evening.
Saturday and Sunday the days started with a pancake breakfast, helicopter rides, Oxen & Horse
Pulls and more live bands throughout the day. Animal Adventures Family Zoo & Rescue Center of
Bolton held events on both days and a new addition to the fair, speed painter Rob Surette put on an
amazing show Saturday evening. Despite having to shut down for an hour due to yet more severe
thunderstorms, thanks to the wonderful support and cooperation of the Sterling Fire & Police

Departments, and the accommodating fireworks personnel, the fireworks show was able to take place
Saturday evening, just a bit earlier than planned so to miss another band of storms.
There were lots of displays and vendors set up throughout the weekend as well as exhibit hall
entries and winners to peruse, including the tallest sunflower entry won by Kara Prendergast, a local
teacher who grew the sunflower with her class, and the sounds of Karaoke, people on rides, and
games being played filled the air. There were also many amazing food vendors.
There were a few staple events I was able to attend and enjoy. The first being the Frog Jumping
Contest on Saturday afternoon was a real crowd pleaser! Children of all ages brought their lucky frogs
to compete and see whose frog would be energetic enough to jump the farthest. I spoke with 12-year-
old Brenna Harding from Princeton who has participated in this event every year since she was 3. She
came in 2nd place this year with an 83” jump by her frog. She had gone out to a swamp down the road
from her house the night before and picked numerous frogs and said it’s hard to know if the most
energetic frog will bring home the win, or if the calm frog is the best to choose because it’s saving its
energy for the jump. She did share that she feels medium frogs are better because she believes they
have longer jumps.
Another exciting event was the Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull. This event has many age categories, but I
was able to catch up with 2 of the winners. The Roy brothers of Sterling, who each took a 1st place
finish for their respective age groups, were happy to chat with me. Logan Roy (6) and Emmitt Roy (5)
were both overjoyed with their win’s. Logan was jumping up and down when he realized he had taken
1st place, exclaiming “I won!” in pride! Emmitt told me after the race about his strategy, which was that
he “peddled super-fast” and he felt that the tractor was bigger this year and that helped him. “Bigger,
Gooder, Better!” he exclaimed with excitement!
This year’s fair had an estimated 20,000 patrons, which may not have been record breaking, but it
was by far a success in the way in which people came together to make the very best of each event,
despite the unfavorable weather conditions. Volunteers from years past returned which made easy
going of tasks, new volunteers stepped up and according to Fair Chairman Doug Downey, this year’s
fair was the most prepared prior to opening night than any other year since he’s been chair. He
attributes this directly to the fair committee and volunteers.
One thing is for sure, the Sterling Fair couldn’t happen without the Committee, the volunteers
and the amazing first responders that help keep things running safely and smoothly, and for
that, your community thanks you! If you would like to be a part of keeping this tradition going,
you can join a committee meeting anytime, as they are held throughout the year, and
volunteers are always needed and welcomed.