Smith’s sawmill business has seen a boom of home-improvement projects in the last year, including this “COVID shed” in a customer’s yard providing a covered outdoor place to see friends.
COURTESY: David Smith, Bedrock Farm

By Alison Sullivan
Bedrock Farm, a new local sawmill, opened in Sterling, Mass. last June. Owner David Smith previously worked as a sawmill operator for 15 years, advertising his skills on Facebook Marketplace. According to Smith, when the COVID-19 pandemic ushered people into their homes, he saw an influx of home-improvement commissions that inspired him to turn his passion project into a legitimate business. Smith says that some of his most-requested projects include wooden slabs to build countertops for at-home bars, and “COVID sheds” in customers’ backyards for a covered place to meet with friends safely. Smith plans to expand upon his growing young business with the purchase of a new sawmill that will allow for wider wooden cuts and more modern designs. Bedrock Farm can be found at 34 Ford Road, Sterling, Mass.